Central Valley PACE Modesto
2401 East Orangeburg Ave. Suite 330, Modesto, CA 95355

Comprehensive health, wellness and social plan customized for your needs
Services provided by Central Valley PACE include:
- Comprehensive medical, dental, vision and specialist care
- Personalized preventive care and management of chronic conditions
- Adult day program including therapeutic recreation
- Therapies for Seniors - Physical, occupational and other therapies
- Home Care Assistance & Treatment
- Meals and nutritional counseling
- Transportation services
- Wellness Center
- Diagnostic and laboratory tests
- Prescription medications, medical supplies and equipment
Some services listed above require pre-authorization and are made available based on a determination of physical and psychosocial needs made jointly by your Interdisciplinary team and you.
Central Valley PACE Modesto
2401 East Orangeburg Ave. Suite 330
Modesto, CA 95355